Frequently Asked Questions


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Some placeholder content for the first accordion panel. This panel is shown by default, thanks to the .show class.

Some placeholder content for the first accordion panel. This panel is shown by default, thanks to the .show class.

Some placeholder content for the first accordion panel. This panel is shown by default, thanks to the .show class.


Lorem ipsum dolar

Lorem ipsum dolar


When the peat extraction is finished, the areas in question are prepared in accordance with the legal requirements. Sites will be restored and can become biotopes for nature by re-wetting, or become available for other communal purposes.
Together with all stakeholders, we plan and execute the aftercare for peatlands.

Both have a significant impact on the environment. At present, Free Peat is using packing materials with recycled and renewable materials. Our aim is to have only circular and bio-based packaging materials by 2027.
We are also looking more towards rail transport, especially to Asia, but also within Europe. Optimizing loading capacity, for example with our 225L bags (651 bags/40ft) or 70L bags (up to 1300 bags/40ft) reduces footprint and costs.

Although peat moss remains the primary and most preferred element in substrates, Free Peat is also implementing alternatives such as wood fibre, coco peat and compost. Still no other raw material with the same or better qualities has been found and transitional steps should be taken carefully and slowly.

